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Lisa Ricciardelli  |  Art Teacher

My Philosophy of Teaching Art 


Creating art not only exercises technical skill, but also ingenuity and creativity. I want to help learners bring to light the unique artists within themselves and awaken higher-level thinking through the practice of Art and understanding of its purpose in our world.


The Art process inspires growth by igniting the imagination through expression and reflection, employing a variety of hands-on skills, presenting unique challenges, and even encouraging self-esteem, connectivity, and openness, offering opportunities that are not available through other subjects alone.


I make every effort to differentiate lessons based on the needs of each child, as well as encourage students to challenge themselves to think creatively and develop their own solutions to obstacles. Through investigative questioning, hands-on exploration, and fascinating culture and history, students learn a great deal about themselves and the world we live in. Before long they find they are capable of many great successes through the experience of Art inside and outside of my class.



Ms. Ricciardelli's Art

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